The Future of ESG and Sustainability Reporting
As ESG measures grow across the globe, businesses are under increasing pressure due to rising geopolitical risks, climbing energy prices, inflation and the uncertainty of a recession.
The 2022 Earthshot solutions to Revive Our Oceans
As the planet’s greatest carbon sick, our oceans have taken the brunt of climate change.
Did COP15 outline a clear pathway to mitigate global biodiversity loss?
A review of the efficacy of the 15th Conference of the Parties on the U.N Convention on Biological Diversity.
Giving values a purpose and purpose value
Intuitively, we know what values are. Individually and almost subconsciously, we recognise their role in directing our lives.
Turning the tide: creating a sustainable future for superyachts
Superyacht industry can join others as key contributor to promote sustainable use of ocean resources.
5 ESG trends to watch in the new year
As ESG investing increases, here are 5 trends to watch out for 2022.
Iceland power plant turns carbon emissions into stone
Carbon dioxide emissions captured directly from the air, pumped underground and solidified.