The 2022 Earthshot solutions to Revive Our Oceans
As the planet’s greatest carbon sick, our oceans have taken the brunt of climate change.
Did COP15 outline a clear pathway to mitigate global biodiversity loss?
A review of the efficacy of the 15th Conference of the Parties on the U.N Convention on Biological Diversity.
Giving values a purpose and purpose value
Intuitively, we know what values are. Individually and almost subconsciously, we recognise their role in directing our lives.
Turning the tide: creating a sustainable future for superyachts
Superyacht industry can join others as key contributor to promote sustainable use of ocean resources.
5 ESG trends to watch in the new year
As ESG investing increases, here are 5 trends to watch out for 2022.
Iceland power plant turns carbon emissions into stone
Carbon dioxide emissions captured directly from the air, pumped underground and solidified.
Was COP27 a ‘cop out’?
Summary: Did COP27 produce the outcomes and goals needed to maintain a 1.5°C future? An analysis of the results, a review of the newly established fund and looking ahead to COP28.
How UHNW families can successfully manage sustainability-related risks and enjoy the opportunities they bring.
Itriom has developed proprietary tools that enable UHNW families to realise the tangible opportunities that sustainability-based strategies offer.
Understanding the geopolitical landscape: the terrain of human influence
Geopolitics is about micro-relationships producing macro-outcomes. This is the human influence terrain and understanding it is the key to becoming wiser actors in the geopolitical landscape.
Cognitive warfare. Self-awareness, influence and control
We live in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world. Many of us cannot define what normal is in the World context or our daily lives.