The Miller Planting Hope Initiative

An overview of the impact of The Miller Planting Hope Initiative

The Miller Planting Hope Initiative

An insight into The Miller Planting Hope Initiative 2022 Impact

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The Miller Planting Hope Initiative

The Miller Planting Hope is an environmental charity, set up by the Miller Family, which aims to combat global warming and climate change, through the restoration of damaged ecosystems, improving biodiversity by planting trees globally.


The Miller Planting Hope Initiative is a global restoration effort, focused on protecting biodiversity and creating a positive social impact across regions of impact. By planting trees and restoring forest land across the world, it creates a greener future for generations to come, by mitigating some of the negative air pollution and emissions caused by anthropogenic actions. The Initiative works across the globe to address the current ecological challenges that are faced by each country. From the Pacific Northwest's temperate rainforests to the vast boreal forests of Canada and the biodiverse ecosystems of Mexico, our efforts span a wide range of landscapes.

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“With unwavering commitment to global reforestation, One Tree Planted is planting seeds of hope and reaping a forest of possibilities, cultivating a sustainable future for both people and the planet”

J A M E S   M I L L E R

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The location

The Miller Planting Hope Initiative
Shelburne, Vermont with a global reach

The Miller Planting Hope Initiative, originally founded in Shelburne, Vermont, has evolved into a global organisation dedicated to reforestation. While our head office remains in Shelburne, we have expanded our operations across multiple
continents, making a meaningful impact in diverse regions.

We operate globally across North America, Latin
America, Africa, Asia, Europe and the Pacific.

Initiative Mission

The Initiative’s mission is simple; to plant more trees. By doing so, contributing to protecting endangered wildlife and ecosystems, help to purifying air, absorb carbon dioxide and restore biodiversity levels.

Together we can restore forests, create healthy habitats, and make the world a better place for generations to come.

Initiative Aims

  1. To double the Initiative’s tree planting globally again next year.
  2. To plant an additional 100 species of trees next year, to support biodiversity levels and contribute to healthy forests.
  3. To empower more communities by promoting sustainable livelihoods through creating an additional 1,000 jobs next year through tree planting projects.

Family Goals, Objectives and linked SDG​

family goal

Family Goal​​

Our goal is to protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, by supporting reforestation initiatives, we aim to contribute to the global efforts to combat deforestation, halt land degradation, and preserve biodiversity

specific objective

Specific Objective

Our goal is to protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, by supporting reforestation initiatives, we aim to contribute to the global efforts to combat deforestation, halt land degradation, and preserve biodiversity
family goal

Linked to prioritised SDG​


Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

SDG Target & Indicators

sdg target indicator 1
By 2020, promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally.
SDG Goal
Family Goal

Specific Objective


Progress towards sustainable forest management
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
Our goal is to protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, by supporting reforestation initiatives, we aim to contribute to the global efforts to combat deforestation, halt land degradation, and preserve biodiversity
1,000,000 million trees planted across Africa in 2023, integration of at least 10 new species, increase biodiversity and soil health levels by the following year.
Water use efficiency
Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation services
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Our goal is to sustainably manage water resources and promote access to clean water and sanitation for all. By actively participating in initiatives, we aim to contribute to the global efforts to achieve universal access to clean water and sanitation, ensuring its availability and sustainable management.
Reduce household water consumption by 20% through efficient water use practices, install rainwater harvesting system by the end of the year to promote water conservation, and support local water infrastructure projects.
Progress towards sustainable forest management
Volume of production per labour unit by classes of farming / pastoral / forestry enterprise size
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
Our goal is to promote sustainable agriculture practices, ensure food security, improved nutrition, and contribute to the global efforts to eliminate hunger. By actively participating in initiatives, we aim to make a positive impact in achieving zero hunger and promoting sustainable agricultural systems.
Support local farmers by purchasing locally sourced and sustainable food products, reduce food waste by implementing composting and mindful consumption practices at home, and contribute to community food programs through donations and volunteering.

“With unwavering commitment to global reforestation, The Miller Planting Hope Initiative is nurturing a forest of possibilities, cultivating a sustainable future for both people and the planet”

S O P H I E   M I L L E R

Community Benefits

The Miller Planting Hope Initiative is community centred. By supporting 50,582 families and engaging them through 468 community forestry events, we strive to foster a sense of environmental awareness, and creating opportunities for education and involvement.

By raising awareness about the importance of sustainable land management, biodiversity conservation, and the role of trees in mitigating climate change, it endeavours to empower the wider communities to actively participate in environmental stewardship and promotes a sense of environmental responsibility.

Moreover, it helps to support local families by providing employment opportunities and economic empowerment through their reforestation initiatives, which helps improve livelihoods and contributes to the local economy.

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“Since the inception of the first project, The Miller Planting Hope Initiative continues to scale up out quality and quantity of restoration projects, planting more trees than ever before. To celebrate this, we recently launched out first ForestFest conference, and have expanded out team to support our growth and expertise. Together, we have made a lasting positive impact”.

Initiative set up by:

James Miller

Initiative since

August 2014

Helping making it happen

Our partnerships continue to grow. This year we were
honored to collaborate with them on TerraFund for AFR100 Phase 1. This allowed us to design and manage a first-of-its-kind continent-wide restoration program, and further the outputs of our donations.

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Itriom Impact Dashboards

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Latest progress

In the Initiative’s 9th year of action, we have continued to grow exponentially. Last year alone we doubled our tree planting impact, from 23,500,000 to 52,793,657 over the course of the year through 327 projects in 74 countries.

Social Impact

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Latest progress

The Initiative helps communities by creating jobs, providing training programs and supporting families with improved income and access to food. Combining these outcomes not only helps those in need, but also ensures that the trees that are planted are preserved for generations to come.

Economic Impact

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Latest progress

The tree planting projects have helped to create 2,438 jobs, support 50,582 families, and enhanced local economies to drive systemic change across the globe.

2,392,000 tones of carbon absorbed


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Georgina Murrin

ESG Analyst

Georgie is an ESG Analyst and researcher. She researches trends, develops insights and reports, and writes insight articles on sustainability and ESG related topics to ensure Itriom’s clients are up to date on the latest policy, progress and initiatives to inform the platform and help our clients maximise their positive impact.

Tim Boughton

Senior Partner
Practice Leader – Leadership & Resilience

Renowned family office thought leader, Tim works with UHNW families to ensure they are fully equipped to deliver their legacies inter-generationally and effectively.

Dr. Herb Castillo

Associate Partner
Practice Leader – Sustainability

Dr. Herb creates methodologies and frameworks for managing, measuring and assessing sustainability performance. His work identifies where maximum impact can be made.

Simon Hulland-Lucas

Senior Partner
Practice Leader – Geostrategy

Simon harnesses research, liaison and networks globally to identify opportunities for Itriom, building the knowledge needed to deliver intergeneration legacies for UHNW families.

Matthew Millard-Beer

Managing Partner
Practice Leader – Strategy

Matthew is Founder & CEO of Itriom, providing solutions and a global platform for Ultra High Net Worth Principals and their families to engage in unifying purpose, enduring legacy, and sustainable impact.