
Next Generation

Shaping the future


Next Generation

Shaping the future

Providing the next generation with the geostrategic knowledge, understanding and opportunities required to develop their capabilities as emerging actors on the world stage.

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Power and

A series of private discussions designed to develop a better understanding of the nature of power and its relationship with influence. These would generally be in-person to encourage the free flow of dialogue and debate, which would be led and moderated by experienced practitioners in these fields.

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A series of lectures, discussions and dinners over the course of a year which look at the various schools of economic thought, the effect of economics on geopolitics and the human dynamics within all markets. This will promote an informed view of the world whilst inviting curiosity about the unknown.

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The geopolitics
of our planet

A series of open presentations and discussions around the relationship between environmental issues and continental, regional and national geopolitical limitations in response. Designed to invite dialogue and collaboration amongst the next generation regarding solutions, building geopolitical coalitions of mutual interest and establish a consensus for the future.
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Geostrategic planning

Bespoke private discussions and meetings around next generation priorities and visions for the future. Designed to provoke long-term geostrategic planning around creating informed portfolios of change, building relationships with political and international entities and establishing the seeds of long-term dialogues on global issues.

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Horizon projects

Individual or collaborative environmental or humanitarian projects which fuse the interests of international agencies, lobby groups or governments with the next generation. Designed to provide the means of wider dialogues and relationships to underwrite their emerging posture and substantiate their longer-term contributions of choice on the world stage.
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The Alpha list

A direct input method for the next generation to draw attention to their environmental initiatives of choice where they can initiate activity, organise coalitions of interest and generate transformational activity which will be directly linked to them and their emerging status as independent global actors. 

How our Next Generation geostrategy services help you

Working with the Next Generation through
bespoke courses, immersive collaboration projects
and direct involvement in their issues of choice to
establish them as influential and pivotal to our geostrategic future.


Building a Next Generation which knows what they know, is conscious of what they don’t know and is determined to discover their unknowns.


A Next Generation that embraces responsibility with the chance to build a personal portfolio of change, establishing their own individual long term global posture.


An informed and empowered Next Generation which listens, can voice others’ concerns, share their own global visions and work across divides for a better future.

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Simon Hulland-Lucas

Senior Partner
Practice Leader - Geostrategy

Simon harnesses research, liason and networks globally to identify opportunities for Itriom, building the knowledge needed to deliver intergeneration legacies for UHNW families.

“By understanding our next generation, we create a powerful fusion of hope and legacy. My mission is to give that fusion a purpose, designing ESG/SDG projects which draw on UHNW families’ generational visions to transform our world’s future”

Simon Hulland-Lucas

Senior Partner
Practice Leader - Geostrategy

Everything starts with
a conversation

Our next generation services are your first step to making Leadership & Resilience, Sustainability and Geostrategy central to your family’s future investments, businesses, achievements and legacy. Positioning you to manage related risks while realising vast opportunities.

Talk to an advisor today.

T: +44 (0)203 198 2277

Alizah Beg

ESG Consultant

Alizah is an ESG Consultant and researcher. She supports Itriom developing sustainability related products and services, helping our clients identify potential opportunities for creating positive environmental, social and sustainable impact.

Georgina Murrin

ESG Analyst

Georgie is an ESG Analyst and researcher. She researches trends, develops insights and reports, and writes insight articles on sustainability and ESG related topics to ensure Itriom’s clients are up to date on the latest policy, progress and initiatives to inform the platform and help our clients maximise their positive impact.

Tim Boughton

Senior Partner
Practice Leader – Leadership & Resilience

Renowned family office thought leader, Tim works with UHNW families to ensure they are fully equipped to deliver their legacies inter-generationally and effectively.

Dr. Herb Castillo

Associate Partner
Practice Leader – Sustainability

Dr. Herb creates methodologies and frameworks for managing, measuring and assessing sustainability performance. His work identifies where maximum impact can be made.

Simon Hulland-Lucas

Senior Partner
Practice Leader – Geostrategy

Simon harnesses research, liaison and networks globally to identify opportunities for Itriom, building the knowledge needed to deliver intergeneration legacies for UHNW families.

Matthew Millard-Beer

Managing Partner
Practice Leader – Strategy

Matthew is Founder & CEO of Itriom, providing solutions and a global platform for Ultra High Net Worth Principals and their families to engage in unifying purpose, enduring legacy, and sustainable impact.