An Unparalleled Network of Influence and Impact


Senior Partner
Practice Leader - Geostrategy


By understanding our next generation, we create a powerful fusion of hope and legacy. My mission is to give that fusion a purpose, designing ESG/SDG projects which draw on UHNW families’ generational visions to transform our world’s future.


United Kingdom/London

Simon is based in the UK, involved in research, liaison and utilising networks to inform short, medium and long term insights opportunities for the Itriom platform. Simon will also sometimes travel to Vienna for this purpose.


Simon has been involved in the Itriom journey from the outset, quickly grasping the potency of Matthew’s idea, drawing on networks to bring together the right team to make it a reality. With a 17-year career in private education, Simon has a deep insight into working with the next generation. Either side of that, he has also worked for UK Defence for an aggregate of 10 years, most recently in information, communications and networks. Since May 2020, Simon has been advising on the design and reverse engineering of perception projects for regional, national and international clients. Simon was Commissioned into the Royal Navy in 1990, graduated from Loughborough University in 1993 with a 2:1 in Politics and enjoys coastal walking, travel, art and music.

Key awards and

Achievements come in many forms. For me, it is about outcome not accolade. My most potent achievement was helping a child achieve their potential despite the odds and in defiance of the advice of other professionals. The most rewarding was harnessing a network to collate and write a powerful Covid impact prediction paper for the Cabinet Office in April 2020. My greatest educational achievement was appreciating that such predictions become reality if good people do nothing. And, based on that experience, my most lasting achievement is being part of the team that has brought Itriom to life.


Member of the Royal Over-Seas League, an organisation ‘dedicated to championing international friendship and understanding throughout the Commonwealth and beyond’.

It also supports promising young musicians and artists from around the world.

Member of the Royal United Services Institute which ‘seeks to inform, influence and enhance public debate to help build a safer and more stable world’.

Loughborough University
Royal United Services Institute
Royal Over Seas League
Royal Navy

Itriom services’ provides your first step in the journey to making Leadership & Resilience, Sustainability, Geostrategy and politics central to your family’s affairs; thus positioning you to manage related risks and realise the vast associated opportunities.

© 2023 Itriom Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Itriom’s content, including by framing or similar means, is prohibited without the prior written consent of Itriom Limited. This material is provided for informational purposes only.

Alizah Beg

ESG Consultant

Alizah is an ESG Consultant and researcher. She supports Itriom developing sustainability related products and services, helping our clients identify potential opportunities for creating positive environmental, social and sustainable impact.

Georgina Murrin

ESG Analyst

Georgie is an ESG Analyst and researcher. She researches trends, develops insights and reports, and writes insight articles on sustainability and ESG related topics to ensure Itriom’s clients are up to date on the latest policy, progress and initiatives to inform the platform and help our clients maximise their positive impact.

Tim Boughton

Senior Partner
Practice Leader – Leadership & Resilience

Renowned family office thought leader, Tim works with UHNW families to ensure they are fully equipped to deliver their legacies inter-generationally and effectively.

Dr. Herb Castillo

Associate Partner
Practice Leader – Sustainability

Dr. Herb creates methodologies and frameworks for managing, measuring and assessing sustainability performance. His work identifies where maximum impact can be made.

Simon Hulland-Lucas

Senior Partner
Practice Leader – Geostrategy

Simon harnesses research, liaison and networks globally to identify opportunities for Itriom, building the knowledge needed to deliver intergeneration legacies for UHNW families.

Matthew Millard-Beer

Managing Partner
Practice Leader – Strategy

Matthew is Founder & CEO of Itriom, providing solutions and a global platform for Ultra High Net Worth Principals and their families to engage in unifying purpose, enduring legacy, and sustainable impact.