Welcome to Itriom

A Global Impact Platform, Helping Leading Families Shape A Better World.

Welcome to Itriom

A global impact platform, helping leading families shape a better world.

Dealing with change

Dealing with change

Change happens.

It’s the way we deal with it that defines us. Currently, globalisation, digitisation and a $68 trillion multi-generational wealth transfer are the changes leaving family offices struggling to adjust. They are not leveraging the opportunities digitisation brings.

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Making a difference

Making a difference

Itriom helps leading families embrace change by defining and implementing a clear unifying purpose 
on which all the family agree.

We establish the family’s values and then select initiatives to deliver that purpose by promoting targeted and impactful sustainable, environmental, social and governance change. Our approach helps make meaningful interaction possible across the generational spectrum. By fostering a genuine understanding of each other’s views, we inspire better relationships. We also enable families to connect discreetly, constructively and securely with other 
like-minded families, wherever in the world they might be. Above all, we ensure impact is measurable, sustainable and positive.

Because that’s the basis of a lasting and credible legacy while also bringing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals closer to fruition. We are here to create and manage long-term change by creating wealth not worth.

Managing long-term change by creating wealth not worth.

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The benefits

Itriom is an invitation only, secure platform. It offers a single solution for the family office to develop a family charter linking purpose, initiatives and legacy.

Here the family can connect to their SDG ambitions and have a space to 
define, drive and measure ESG and SDG progress.

They can engage the next generation and prepare them for responsibility 
and family leadership, and take advantage of a trusted and discreet environment that encourages family to family involvement and co-operation.

All of this is underpinned by the platform’s algorithm which uses data 
activities to inform, educate and develop users across the family offices. Finally, our platform gives families access to leading thinkers and practitioners in the leadership, geo-strategy and sustainability areas. In summary, we refer to these benefits collectively as LEIP.

We refer to these benefits collectively as LEIP.


We put in place the elements needed to create a lasting, tangible legacy that’s a true expression of the family’s values and ambitions.


We engage multi-generational families, connecting them in delivering real change and opening their eyes to networking with like-minded families world-wide.


Locally and regionally, whatever the scope of the project, the impact made is positive relevant and immediate, aligning families in making SDG / ESG goals a reality sooner.


Unifying the family with a clear purpose provides the guidance required to deliver the family’s commitments and initiatives on time and as promised.

Creating Answers

Creating Answers

Itriom enables leading families to find clear values and a clarity of purpose.

We craft a family charter from which a strategy for sustainable and positive change is agreed and which then drives bespoke initiatives to deliver it. For this, we use our unique, secure, trusted and invite only peer-to-peer platform. Supported by our proprietary values matrix. Our own IP uniquely links values to ESG / SDG principles and provides 
a single source for defining, driving and measuring 
ESG and SDG outcomes.

The Itriom platform also provides a network for family principals and decision makers to meet and engage in meaningful dialogue, while collaborating digitally, physically and discreetly.

We deliver an ultra-secure, seamless, and compelling mechanism for leading principals, their families, and the Next Generation to engage on meaningful dialogue, legacy and impact.

Family Values,
Purpose & Charter

Family Values,
Purpose & Charter

  • Family Values Configurator
  • Next Gen Strategy, Transition & Legacy Planning
  • Family Impact Charter Development

ESG Investment
Impact & Outcomes

ESG Investment
Impact & Outcomes

  • Family Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Configurator
  • Impact Initiatives Project Management & Marketplace
  • Measurement, Data & Dashboards

Family Groups
& Missions

Family Groups
& Missions

  • Group Management Owners & Members
  • Impact Initiative Mission Management
  • Intra-Family Networking


  • Family Communications Hub
  • Family Forums
  • Secure Email, Messaging Conferencing


Meetings &

Meetings & Events

  • Family Meetings Set Up & Management
  • Next Gen Leadership Development Programmes
  • Itriom Events Programme

Guest &
Expert Corner

Guest & Expert Corner

  • Global & Regional Leaders Advisory
  • Subject Matter Experts & Panels
  • Ask the Expert

News &

News & Insights

  • Curated News
  • Targeted Insights
  • Private Briefings

Library &
Document Repository

Library & Document Repository

  • Document Repository
  • Private Media Channels
  • Media Content (video, audio, podcast, etc.)

Concierge &

Concierge & Support

  • Dedicated LEIP Concierge
  • Tech Support
  • White Glove Onboarding

Family Values,
Purpose & Charter

Family Values,
Purpose & Charter

  • Family Values Configurator
  • Next Gen Strategy, Transition & Legacy Planning
  • Family Impact Charter Development

ESG Investment
Impact & Outcomes

ESG Investment
Impact & Outcomes

  • Family Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Configurator
  • Impact Initiatives Project Management & Marketplace
  • Measurement, Data & Dashboards

Family Groups
& Missions

Family Groups
& Missions

  • Group Management Owners & Members
  • Impact Initiative Mission Management
  • Intra-Family Networking


  • Family Communications Hub
  • Family Forums
  • Secure Email, Messaging Conferencing


Meetings &

Meetings & Events

  • Family Meetings Set Up & Management
  • Next Gen Leadership Development Programmes
  • Itriom Events Programme

Guest &
Expert Corner

Guest & Expert Corner

  • Global & Regional Leaders Advisory
  • Subject Matter Experts & Panels
  • Ask the Expert

News &

News & Insights

  • Curated News
  • Targeted Insights
  • Private Briefings

Library &
Document Repository

Library & Document Repository

  • Document Repository
  • Private Media Channels
  • Media Content (video, audio, podcast, etc.)

Concierge &

Concierge & Support

  • Dedicated LEIP Concierge
  • Tech Support
  • White Glove Onboarding

Meet our Practice Leaders

Our Services

Next Generation
& Resilience

Strengthening & instilling future leadership

We instil unique and all-encompassing leadership. Uniting UHNW families in purpose and engaging multiple generations in delivering collective initiatives while creating legacies with enduring and significant ESG impact.

Next Generation

Providing a strategy for understanding

We develop the methodologies to help families identify opportunities for impact that best express their values, and the frameworks which track the resulting impact. Enabling families to make genuine and lasting environmental commitments.

Next Generation

Accelerating & maintaining sustainability

Through courses and collaborative projects, we’re providing the next generation with the geostrategic knowledge, understanding and opportunities they’ll need to take their future place in the world.

Featured Insights

Launching Itriom

Our first to market platform reimagines leading family engagement and impact 
on a global scale.

See it in action

a demo of
the platform

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starts with
a conversation

Talk to an advisor today

starts with
a conversation

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Alizah Beg

ESG Consultant

Alizah is an ESG Consultant and researcher. She supports Itriom developing sustainability related products and services, helping our clients identify potential opportunities for creating positive environmental, social and sustainable impact.

Georgina Murrin

ESG Analyst

Georgie is an ESG Analyst and researcher. She researches trends, develops insights and reports, and writes insight articles on sustainability and ESG related topics to ensure Itriom’s clients are up to date on the latest policy, progress and initiatives to inform the platform and help our clients maximise their positive impact.

Tim Boughton

Senior Partner
Practice Leader – Leadership & Resilience

Renowned family office thought leader, Tim works with UHNW families to ensure they are fully equipped to deliver their legacies inter-generationally and effectively.

Dr. Herb Castillo

Associate Partner
Practice Leader – Sustainability

Dr. Herb creates methodologies and frameworks for managing, measuring and assessing sustainability performance. His work identifies where maximum impact can be made.

Simon Hulland-Lucas

Senior Partner
Practice Leader – Geostrategy

Simon harnesses research, liaison and networks globally to identify opportunities for Itriom, building the knowledge needed to deliver intergeneration legacies for UHNW families.

Matthew Millard-Beer

Managing Partner
Practice Leader – Strategy

Matthew is Founder & CEO of Itriom, providing solutions and a global platform for Ultra High Net Worth Principals and their families to engage in unifying purpose, enduring legacy, and sustainable impact.